Nickering Nera, the loudest, most demanding horse to ever gallop across the frontier. Charged with obnoxious demands for attention, Nera has become infamous for her relentless whinnies, stomping, and insistence on being the center of every moment, no matter how quiet or important. Whether it's disturbing peaceful ranchers at dawn or interrupting high-stakes poker games, this horse knows no boundaries when it comes to drawing the spotlight. The Outlaw Posse has been chasing her from one ranch to the next, but Nera’s loud, attention-seeking ways have made her nearly impossible to catch.
We need your help to capture this troublesome steed and put an end to her noisy antics. Every dollar you donate will go directly toward bringing Nera to justice and restoring peace and quiet to the land. Help us silence the most demanding horse in the Midwest before her antics tear the frontier apart!