Unfinished Business
A program that gives closure and allows healing to begin.
This program offers a unique approach to grief counseling. Using horses as counselors, participants are given the opportunity to open up and talk about their feelings in a stress free environment. Horses are good, thoughtful and respectful listeners and they have big shoulders for crying and hugging. They are not judgmental and never ask “how you feel.”

Participants are introduced to horses and learn that horses are prey animals and are hard-wired to fear humans. Each session includes the opportunity to get to know the horses, and find the one that they feel most connected with. Most occasions the horses choose the participant. Grooming horses offers a very relaxing, stress free atmosphere with no expectation from the horse for the outcome of the session. Each session provides important building blocks that build self confidence, boost self esteem and give the participant strength to tackle challenges they are faced with.
An important, and not to be overlooked, by-product is that for many, these activities release endorphins, nature’s powerful sedative that allows participants to look at their world differently and get a good night’s sleep, essential to healing heart, body and soul.
Donations and grants help us offer programs like these at discounted rates to the community and free to those who have served, are serving and their families. Please consider making a donation today.